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Q118 - Monkey Bite


A macaque monkey bites an employee working in a research lab. Monkeys can be naturally infected with Cercopithecine Herpes Virus 1, also known as "B virus." At a physician's discretion an anti-viral treatment is initiated as a prophylactic treatment prior to determining whether or not the animal was a carrier. The monkey is later examined to reveal that the monkey does not test positive for B virus. Is it recordable?


YES. This case would be recordable. The employee experienced an injury (a monkey bite), the injury was work-related, and it met one of the general recording criteria (medical treatment beyond first aid).

Letter of Interpretation: Immunizations or inoculations, except for tetanus immunizations that are classified as first aid (see 1904.7(b)(5)(ii)(B)), are considered medical treatment when given in response to a workplace injury or illness, even if it is later determined that the injury would not have developed into an illness. It may not be red-lined or removed from the Log.


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