Punched Self in Face

Question: An employee was attempting to adjust their bra when their hand slipped and struck their mouth. As a result, they knocked a tooth loose. Is it recordable?
Answer: YES. Any injury that occurs in the work environment is presumed work-related unless an exception applies. Breaking a tooth is considered a significant injury for recordkeeping purposes.
1904.7(b)(7): What is a "significant" diagnosed injury or illness that is recordable under the general criteria even if it does not result in death, days away from work, restricted work or job transfer, medical treatment beyond first aid, or loss of consciousness? Work-related cases involving cancer, chronic irreversible disease, a fractured or cracked bone, or a punctured eardrum must always be recorded under the general criteria at the time of diagnosis by a physician or other licensed health care professional.
Letter of Interpretation: As discussed in the preamble of the final rule, work-related fractures of bones or teeth are recognized as constituting significant diagnoses and, if the condition is work-related, are appropriately recorded at the time of initial diagnosis, even if the case does not involve any of the other general recording criteria.