Less than 10 Employees

Question: A company with a total of 5 employees has one employee who is stung by a bee while eating his lunch outside and loses consciousness. He wakes up and takes over-the-counter Benadryl. Is it recordable?
Answer: NO. The company is considered partially exempt because it has 10 or fewer employees and does not have to maintain an OSHA log for recordable incidents.
OSHA Small Business Handbook: Small businesses with 10 or fewer employees throughout the year are exempt from most of the requirements of the OSHA recordkeeping rules, as are a number of specific industries in the retail, service, finance, insurance and real estate sectors that are classified as low-hazard. Detailed information about OSHA recordkeeping rules can be found at http://www.osha.gov/recordkeeping/index.html or refer to 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1904 for the specific exceptions.